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Новости компании

Future development space of new energy vehicle cable market2022-09-19 15:21:07
Future development space of new energy vehicle cable market

The demand of new energy vehicles for automotive cables will reach the standard value. The specific demand for high-voltage cables and data cables and the value of a single vehicle will lead to large differences due to different vehicle products, and it is difficult to define specific data. Due to the different demands of new energy vehicles for high-voltage cables or low-voltage cables, there will be a large market space for high-voltage cables or low-voltage cables in the future. Intelligent driving will add a lot of integrated systems to the car. These systems will require more cables, such as various sensors, signal processing control, connection parts of related modules, etc. Compared with low-voltage cables, in addition, the gross profit rate of cable products of vehicles will be doubled. Of course, the specific data will be based on the actual reference.

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