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Новости компании

Electric vehicle charging/exchange technology process leading development2023-05-15 15:12:56
Electric vehicle charging/exchange technology process leading development

According to the information description, the data, in terms of pure electric vehicle (EV) charging and battery replacement patents, the cumulative number of Chinese is at the forefront of the world.

Among the many manufacturer companies, R&D on the development of EV charging technology. As the technology improves, the percentage of fast charging related exceeds 17% and battery replacement related accounts for 10%. For example, Japan, Germany and the United States account for only 1% to 3% respectively. Other patents applied for include structure and control of charging stations, power transmission, security and non-contact power supply.

More technology enhancements are obtained through developments related to the new energy electric vehicle industry. Go learn or visit more at: https://www.omgevcable.com