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Precautions for storage and transportation of high voltage cables for vehicles2023-11-27 17:48:18
Precautions for storage and transportation of high voltage cables for vehicles

As a manufacturer specializing in the production of automotive cable harness products, the transportation and storage of cable products is one of the very important links, it is the same as the cable, if the storage and transportation method is not appropriate, it will cause damage to the cable products and affect the safety of its use.

It is forbidden to drop the cable or the cable tray containing the cable from a high place during transportation, especially when the temperature is relatively low, dropping the cable may break its protective cover.

Cables should not be stored for more than two years. If stored for more than two years, the performance of the cable may be reduced, which may cause some safety problems.

Cables should be turned regularly while in storage. When turning, it is necessary to roll the bottom side of the storage tray upward to avoid moisture and rot on the bottom side.

When storing, pay attention to separate storage with acid and alkali, and also separate storage with some corrosive substances.