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Новости компании

Electric vehicles will be the trend of the future2022-01-13 13:50:54
Electric vehicles will be the trend of the future

Electric vehicles now include cars, buses, trucks of all sizes, and even large tractor trailers driven at least partially by electricity.

Electric vehicles are mainly divided into three categories:

1、 Battery electric vehicles are powered by electricity stored in battery packs.

2、 Plug in hybrids combine gasoline or diesel engines with electric motors and large rechargeable batteries.

3、 Fuel cell vehicles separate electrons from hydrogen molecules to generate electric energy to drive motors.

No matter where the electricity comes from, the carbon footprint of electric vehicles is smaller than that of gasoline powered vehicles.

The electricity to charge and fuel battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles comes from the grid, which depends on a range of sources - from fossil fuels to clean renewable energy. This means that the range of carbon footprint of driving an electric vehicle depends on its power source.

The electric vehicle charging cable is used to connect the electric vehicle charging device and charging infrastructure, so as to conduction power to the electric vehicle, and is equipped with a certain number of signal lines, control lines, power auxiliary lines, etc. to ensure accurate control and safe operation of the whole charging process. Charging cables are generally used in charging stations, hotels, communities, garages and other areas. Portable charging cables can be placed in vehicles.


To learn more about EV cable and charging pile cables, please visit OMG's official website:https:/www.omgevcable.com/